Information about the workshops The content of this section is regularly updated. 


The origins of the “theology of the body”:

Karol Wojtyla’s early “Considerations about the Essence of Man”

Dr. Hanns-Gregor Nissing | Ehreshoven

The initial impulse for creating the “theology of the body” dates to Karol Wojtyla’s early years as a chaplain in the St. Florian parish in Krakau. In order to answer the questions of young students concerning meaning and direction of human life, he organized lecture evenings revolving mostly around the nature of man. With his remarks, Wojtyla laid the foundations not only for his Christian personalism, but also the “theology of the body” which always starts with the invitation: “Recognize yourself!”

Introduced into the climate of communist ideology with its materialistic view of the human person and the human body prevalent back then, Wojtyla’s remarks express an additional societal and political relevance – and seem more current than ever. The presentation of Karol Wojtyla’s “Considerations about the Essence of Man”, which are published in German for the first time, are at the center of the contribution.


The Body as a gospel – Sexuality as liturgy:
An insight into the heart of the Theology of the Body

Ralf Reißel | Donzdorf

The presentation wants to focus two central premises of the theology of the body: that the human body with its sexual characteristics mirrors something divine and that the sexual union of man and woman can become a source of divine mercy. Against all counter-body tendencies, the theology of the body is able to shed a new light on the mystical deeper dimension of human sexuality and sharpen our sense for the special closeness of sexuality and sanctification. 


The child on the brink of puberty.
TeenSTAR – Sex education for Kids at primary-school age

Annett Arnold | Colditz

Based on the child’s state of development before puberty you receive valuable suggestions for sexual education within the family. As practical support for at home, you will be introduced to the course book “Me and my body – understanding my development” for boys and girls aged 9 to 11. It invites you to work on select topics together with your child. Reading and working on the course book together opens the path to discussions in the family. 

You will also gain insights into the TeenSTAR course and school lesson program which values the parents as main educators. The workshop gives you what you need to strengthen your daughter or son for their youth in times of numerous influences by society. 

A workshop especially for parents, but also for teachers and everyone who cares about children! 


To be a person with heart and soul. TeenSTAR – Sex education for youth

Dr. Elisabeth Luge | Würzburg

It takes several steps to develop from a sexually mature teenager into a responsible young adult. Many youths are not aware that puberty not only changes their bodies, but also their minds, their feelings, their relationships with other people. The awaking fertility introduces a whole new dimension into a young person’s life. The developing sexuality concerning all aspects of being a person requires integration into the personality. A person can then act sexually responsible and find fulfillment in lifelong, faithful love. The TeenSTAR program incorporates sexual pedagogy and youth pastoral and helps adolescents develop into responsible personalities capable of leading relationships. 


Love fulfills life: Natural conception regulation – because it benefits love!

Karolin Wehler | Köln
Natural conception regulation, the way based on partnership, in harmony with nature, holistic, scientifically sound and highly reliable, free of harmful side effects:

  • this way to live is an enrichment for marriage
  • it makes sense to care about it before marriage
  • a priest should also know about it

is what you will learn in this workshop.


Hold me close: the need to protect the mother-baby dyad for optimal bonding, breastfeeding and fertility

Dr. med. Carmela Baeza | Centro Raíces, Madrid

The original design for optimal human physical, emotional, social and spiritual development is based on the closeness of mother and child from birth, in infancy and well into toddlerhood. According to the latest neuroscience, this physical closeness must be protected (and specially nurtured by the father) and promoted (by healthcare and government) if we wish to help mother obtain optimal bonding with her child, a good breastfeeding experience and natural fertility development. In turn, the child will have the best chance at an optimal physical, emotional, social and spiritual growth.