Knotenpunkt – Begegnung verbindet e.V.

Knotenpunkt – Begegnung verbindet e.V. is a young non-profit organization. It was founded only in 2016. But we are already looking back to a significant period of intensive and successful work. How is this possible? 


Quite simply, Knotenpunkt – Begegnung verbindet e.V. emerged from another non-profit organization, Support International e.V. which was founded in 1991 with the primary goal of cooperation to human development and emergency aid. From the very beginning, issues related marriage, family, sexuality, and health were in the center of our efforts: the most important projects were geared to single mothers, orphans and AIDS patients and their families. It was from this focus that a cooperation with the Diocese of Eichstätt and with the Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt emerged in the context of international conferences on the pastoral practice to the sick and on the theology of the body. In 2011, 2013, and 2014 “Support International e.V.” was a co-organizer of the conferences and was able to make a significant contribution with its relations to renowned international speakers and a team of competent and effective volunteers. Because the work was acknowledged very positively in the national and international context and has expanded significantly in scope, we decided to make this specific effort the center of a new non-profit organization.


The mission Knotenpunkt – Begegnung verbindet e.V. however transcends the above mentioned goals. We intend to advance the spreading of culture and science in a Christian perspective and to support youth, education, and the mutual understanding of peoples and nations. You may find further details in our constitution.