Information about the deepenings for special audiences


Presentation only for educators in the formation of priests

Living affectivity more maturely – prospering as a person

Teresa Suárez del Villar | Madrid

„It is one of the greatest adventures to accompany people chosen by Jesus to live love close to the way he lived it. Our world does not help us in that regard because it assumes naturally that the candidates in the seminar arrive with an affective maturity sufficient for complete and selfless devotion. The tender first love expressed in the calling could turn into less if affectivity is not nurtured to enjoy having been chosen gratuitously. The ones living in chastity can only live a passionate life if its starting point is a happy and satisfied heart. 

And only this passion can spark a healthy and contagious envy: How do you manage to live a love that great?“ 


Presentation only for seminarians

Created for a great love 

Teresa Suárez del Villar | Madrid

„In this day and age it sometimes appears as if nobody has the courage to long for great things anymore. Now in particular, those chosen by Jesus to live the wonder of chastity should discover the beauty of this eternal and loyal love that fills life with joy. The beauty lies in that it is fulfilling without the need for us to look away or having to hide our limits, our inadequacy. Because he who chose us knows us intimately. He loves us completely, not only what we manage to achieve more or less well with his help. As I always say: in order to go into the world, it is imperative to leave the house every morning knowing to be deeply loved. And it is exactly that love I would like to discuss with you.“